Are you Ready to start rewiring your nervous system?

I offer a range of online courses, from our 3-hour Masterclass to an 12-week Program. Each online course combines the latest scientific research with practical exercises to help thrive.


The Vagus Nerve Program

Nervous System Regulation Is For Everyone

Discover the connection between your brain and body and how chronic and traumatic stress can affect your health. By focusing on the vagus nerve you can reduce anxiety and shutdown, as well as find relief from other various health conditions.

The Nervous System
Certification Course

The path to regulation isn’t body OR brain,
it’s body AND brain

It's time for a fresh approach. We're here to teach you a revolutionary way to understand behaviour through the lens of the nervous system. We'll delve into the intricate connections between biology, psychology and social factors, to help you and your clients navigate the complexities of nervous system regulation and empower you to confidently educate and transform lives.